horn of africa
Northeast Afica
Due to the nature of their work, we keep the names of a couple we support in Africa private. They live and labor among a particular unreached people group making disciples and planting churches. They are unable to meet openly, lest they face extreme and usually deadly persecution.
Their skills as fitness instructors and English teachers, allow them to practically benefit their community and build authentic relationships. They live in a neighborhood that is primarily made up of these unreached people, where they tangibly demonstrate God’s Kingdom by sharing their lives and His Word. In John 6:44, Jesus says, “No one comes to me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” Daily, fervent prayer is vital to this effort. Join them in praying for the Father to draw people to His Son, bringing them to these missionaries so they can share the hope of God with them.
Their skills as fitness instructors and English teachers, allow them to practically benefit their community and build authentic relationships. They live in a neighborhood that is primarily made up of these unreached people, where they tangibly demonstrate God’s Kingdom by sharing their lives and His Word. In John 6:44, Jesus says, “No one comes to me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” Daily, fervent prayer is vital to this effort. Join them in praying for the Father to draw people to His Son, bringing them to these missionaries so they can share the hope of God with them.